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PREVIEWS is Diamond's monthly mag-a-log (catalog and magazine) of comic books, graphic novels and other pop culture merchandise which is on sale every month in comic book shops nationwide.
Each month, PREVIEWS includes listings for almost every comic book scheduled to be on sale, approximately two months in the future.
You'll find complete descriptions of each upcoming issue, how much they will cost, thier format and other points of interest. PREVIEWS also provides information on other merchandise, too, including toys, books, games, videos and much more.
​It is impossible to order every item in the catalog.  So if you want that special comic, statue, T-shirt or DVD to arrive on time please spend some time going through the catalog and give us a call.  Also, you may drop into the store and go through our copy of  PREVIEWS or purchase a copy to take home.



PREVIEWS from Diamond Distributors

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